Design School: Have a Seat and Be Inspired by these Outdoor Furnitures!

Design School: Have a Seat and Be Inspired by these Outdoor Furnitures!

Most of us have figured out how to put together an outdoor dining or patio seating. One that's close to the house, crowd-friendly, and easy to move around. Seating out in the actual garden or landscape tends to be a bit of an afterthought. (Hey, here's a blank spot, let's add a chair!). It should, however, be one of the key elements considered when designing a landscape. One that you will not just admire from the patio, but constantly use.

You should always be open to the feels you get when standing in a spot. Then thinking "I would love to sit here." However, well-planned seating can take a garden from a nice place to look at to one that's an exciting destination. Of course every landscape, homeowner needs, and budget are different. Although, hopefully, these ideas will help you to look at your yard with fresh eyes. Here are three things to consider when thinking about creating garden seating.

(Image: Johnson Landscapes & Pools)

3 Common Garden Seating Mistakes:

Choosing the wrong size bench for the area. You want the bench to feel totally integrated–typically larger is better!

Failing to ensure that ground is level beneath seating for comfort and safety.

Not taking cues from the architectural style of the house when selecting seating.


Moving away from the house

Now, your yard may not look like this at all, but there are lessons here!

(Left): By moving away from the house and into the open, the view seems even larger. Since it's not in context with a building.

(Lower left): Do not try to compete with the scale of natural wonders. Instead, choose simple seating that almost disappears.

(Below): And then sometimes the best view of all to capture is your own house and your own backyard. Finding a spot with a bit of elevation adds impact.

Choose simple seating
A bit of elevation


Distant corner

Get off the patio and into the garden by placing seating at a distance with lots to see in between.

(Left): You may not have this exact set-up. Although betting there's a distant corner of your yard that you could transform.

(Below left): Would there be any reason to leave and wander the garden if not for the inviting bench?

(Below): A meadow-y backyard was mowed to create a simple path. However, it's the wander the garden at the far end that seduces.

Wander the garden
Blue bench


Configure a built-in

Find ways to encourage slowing down by creating places that are so inviting you cannot help but take a seat.

(Upper left): Yes, this is impressive, but the idea here is to configure a built-in during construction. Betting everyone stops here!

(Below left): The placement of this bench midway says “sit” in the nicest possible way. How easy would this be to replicate?

(Below): Admit it. You’d check out what it feels like to sit under all that wisteria. Genius is the arched top that enhances the vine’s natural shape.

Placement of this bench
Arched top


We are NOT here to judge, we’re here to learn from each other! Here are a few examples where a small change would have made a big impact.

You’re going to say, “What?? These are amazing gardens. If only…” and they are. Each one is super interesting and let’s face it, pretty seductive.

However, look at these four spectacular settings and in your mind add the following. A larger, brightly colored bench to the shade. A chair on which to perch under that flowering tree. Seating that's in scale with the amazing arched tunnel. And, a simple bench at the end of this elegant latticed vista. The placement of seating would change each site into a place one could not help but stop and linger.

What do you think?

A seat within the garden
Blooming tree
Over hang in the garden
Simplistic walkway

Image Credits:

(1) Ocean view, Lankford Associates, Seattle, WA

(2) Mountain view: Tuscon, AZ. Original source unknown

(3) Backyard chairs: Saybrook History, Old Saybrook, CT

(4) Chairs in circle: Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI

(5) English garden with bench: Jenny Bloom Garden Design, London, England

(6) Grass path: Todd Haiman Landscape Design, New York, NY

(7) Built-in stone bench: Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design, Boston, MA

(8) Gravel path: Lynne Marcus Garden & Landscape Design, London, England

(9) Wisteria over arched bench: original source unknown

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2018-08-08 09:40:00
Marcia O'Connor
I have an area in my backyard, that I have cleared out and have put sand there to keep out the weeds and grass. I would love to get help to design the area. It is a restful area under an old avocado tree in South Flordia{ Miami} Could you give me some low maintenance ideas.
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I love the beautiful flowers and gardens.
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Jane A. Lawrence
Your pictures were forth a thousand words, beautifully illustrating ideas usable in most any garden. Thanks, and keep this coming.
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Christy Mulligan
I absolutely love this article, it gave me the eye ? opener that I needed to appreciate the perfect seating area that I have and its even elevated. Thank you, and I look forward to these newsletters and the articles. Thank you again!
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Herman Thompson, Landscape Architect
Kate, You are using some nice examples to illustrate your ideas. I do think it would add professionalism to your articles if you would credit the designers and the photographers of each illustration or photograph. I admit I am bias since I am both a landscape architect and professional photographer - just saying. Keep up the good work. Herman
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Joan Hall
I would be happy to linger in any of these beautiful spaces! I wish I were so talented of a designer and gardener! Thank you for the inspiration, I might have to conjur up a wonderful space to linger in my garden/yard!
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Saw lee
Beautiful settings
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Kate Thank you ... I do landscape design for DIY'ers and I'm always encouraging my clients to incorporate some sort of seating into their landscapes. I will use your article as added inspiration!
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Robin Robinson
This is very informative.
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Used to have a seat when I lived up north... But have not been able to do something like this here in middle Louisiana... too much heat, too many wasps -- and FIRE ANTS. A very hard place to even garden! And I thought Minnesota was rough -- Na! Oh well.
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