10 Robust Summer Blooming Perennials to Buy Now

10 Robust Summer Blooming Perennials to Buy Now

Right about July the garden is bursting at the seams with loads of flowers and lush growth, but it’s also the time when many plants are pretty needy. Feed me. Water me. Weed me. Mulch me. On it goes. How about a few that just do their thing without much input from you. Sound good? Here are a group arranged by mature size, so you can layer them into existing plantings or start from scratch.

Need more choices to fit a specific location? Just drop us a note in comments and we’ll get back to you with ideas.

May Night Sage
Zone: 4 – 9

Showy perennial is excellent for mixed borders, flower beds and patio containers. Thrives where summer nights remain cool. Up to 2′ tall and wide. Full sun.


Wink Maiden Pink

Wink Maiden Pink
Zone: 3 – 9

Fragrant flowers on an excellent rock garden plant, border edging, or groundcover. Drought tolerant when established. Up to 1′ tall and wide. Full sun.

Becky Shasta Daisy

Becky Shasta Daisy
Zone: 4 – 9

Excellent in sunny borders and in containers for patio or landscape accents. Foliage reaches 1′ tall, 2′ wide; flowers reach up to 3′ tall. Full sun.

Vision in Pink Astilbe

Vision in Pink Astilbe
Zone: 4 – 8

The Visions series tolerates drier soils than other Astilbes (all of which are pretty unfussy to start with). Up to 2′ tall and wide. Full shade to partial sun.


Candy Store® Bubblegum Pink™ Phlox

Candy Store® Bubblegum Pink™ Phlox
Zone: 4 – 9

This series tolerates drier soils once established. Compact, hardy, and disease resistant. Up to 2′ tall and wide. Full sun.

Baby Peteâ„¢ Lily of the Nile

Baby Peteâ„¢ Lily of the Nile
Zone: 8 – 11

Rarely sets seed pods, resulting in a longer bloom period. Splendid along pathways, or in groupings and mixed containers. Blooms up to 24 in. tall. Partial to full sun.

Red Butterflies Milkweed

Red Butterflies Milkweed
Zone: 8 – 11

This easy care, well-behaved plant needs little attention and provides wonderful color. Tolerates poor, unimproved soils. Up to 3′ tall, 2′ wide. Full sun.


Skyracer Purple Moor Grass

Skyracer Purple Moor Grass
Zone: 4 – 8

Spikes of tiny purplish flowers rise above the foliage clumps, nearly shimmering when back-lit by the sun. Up to 8′ tall, 4′ wide. Partial to full sun.

Aphrodite Rose Of Sharon

Aphrodite Rose Of Sharon
Zone: 5 – 9

Produces little to no seed, which means an abundance of nearly continuous flowers over a long bloom season. Up to 10′ tall, 6′ wide. Partial to full sun.

Tropicanna® Canna

Tropicanna® Canna
Zone: 7 – 11

So much oomph, so little fuss. Adaptable when established; tolerates wet, poorly drained soils. Upright stalks quickly reach 5′ tall, forming clumps to 4′ wide. Full sun.

Love them? Buy them!

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2018-07-05 12:26:00
Can I trim some low hanging branches on black hillsspruce trees this time of year?
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Hello. I live in Northern VA and I have a new flower bed my husband and I have made. I need some suggestions for plants. The location gets full sun all day. I can send a picture if you need it.
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Sigh, only 3 of the 10 would be suitable for the steamy hot nights in my Southeastern US climate. The Canna and the Red Butterflies Asclepias would thrive and the Rose of Sharon would be marginal at best. How about an article on plants that love hot nights?
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There are two different opinions on what Zone Im in. We are in zip code 95223 (northern Calif) in a town called Arnold. 4000 elevation, foothills of the Sierramtns. Can you help?
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Vera Bedard
Looking at your articles has become very helpful. I'm a Landscape Designer and love the reminders on what plants would look fabulous in my clients gardens. The pictures you post are all good quality so I use them in my plant portfolio.
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Alice E
I live in zone 10b which appears to have very few flowering shrubs that grow there. Even flowers and very few bulb plants grow here. I would like to see plants that grow well in zonews 10 and above
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Finding the tips & info very helpful; happy to see each plant's zone marked so clearly. Thanks!
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Bonnie and Gretz
507 NE 4th St: I have found that many salvias do need deadheading as when the flowers start dying, they look terrible. They might bloom again. I live in Zone 8, Western Washington state
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Carol Jean Dotson
where should a clematis be planted north, south, east or west
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My peony plant looks ill. The stems and leaves are small this year and it now has black spots on the stems and leaves. Is it diseased and should I remove it before it infest my other bushes?
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Jeanette Wells
Can you give me, or direct me to information that will tell me what I should be feeding common cannas that have not bloomed for the two years that I have had them in the garden. They get afternoon sun. Thank you . I look forward to solutions.
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I really need a list of plants that you have that will live in rancho mirage starting with a hedge the is evergreen ( not too much dropping of leaves etc as near pool) and in full desert sunn I need it to get up to 6 feet max ideally and no more that 2-3 feet wide. Help?
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Donna Munger
Please tell me, Kate, how you classify chrysanthemum in relation to robust summer blooming perennials for USDA zone 6a? Thank you.
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Thank you.....!
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C.J. Greenblatt
Something is eating the leaves on my canna. I have tried snail bait, no luck. Any ideas?
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The flowers are just lovely. Wish I can have all of them in my garden. Thanks.
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