15 of Our Favorite Summer Flowering Vines and Climbers

15 of Our Favorite Summer Flowering Vines and Climbers

Vines and climbers festooned with masses of summery blooms add excitement, color, and some untamed luxuriousness to vertical structures. Plant any of these on a sturdy framework. You can also get creative and let them scramble over rocks, down slopes, or cascade over a wall. Many bloom for months!


White Bower Vine
Zones: 9 – 11


Mandarin Honeysuckle
Zones: 4 – 9


Butterfly Vine
Zones: 8 – 10


Raspberry Ice Bougainvillea
Zones: 10 – 11


Tangerine Beauty Crossvine
Zones: 6 – 9


Blue Passion Vine
Zones: 6 – 10

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2016-06-03 01:10:00
Linda Laine
Looking for one or two vines to put onto a new arbor that will be an entry into the garden. Would like continuous blooms through fall. I am in a 4 zone, we sometimes have -20 in winter. I could also use one annual vine. The site should have a good amount of sun. I use many of your plants and buy some to experiment in our many gardens. Have been on tours where we received 1400 people in one day!
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Valerie Kho
Hi, I'm not sure what zone i'm in, i live in malaysia, plan to plant a mixture of these on my balcony. any suggestion on how to mix and match?
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