Looking to cut down on some garden work this summer but still have a knockout display? We love creating containers filled with a mix of this and that. However, we also love putting one power plant in a large pot and calling it a day. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
This combo (above) of Whetman Star™ Single Superstar Dianthus and a magenta verbena is all about fragrance!

Color Splash
EnduraScape™ Verbena is an improved variety that loves heat, has excellent resistance to powdery mildew, and stays in flower longer. This variety’s trailing habit also shines in a hanging planter. Zone: 7 -10

Near Constant Blooms
From a outstanding new series of this free-flowering and heat-loving plant comes Colorita® Isabella® Peruvian Lily. The brilliant-orange blooms will keep coming if old stems are plucked! Zone: 8 – 11

Bring on the Butterflies
Waterwise and loved by pollinators, use lantana in tough full sun spots. Purple Potion™ Trailing Lantana is evergreen in frost-free climates and an annual for cold climate areas. Zone: 9 – 11

Hot Color That Holds Up to Heat
In those super-sunny, sweltering spots you need plants that can not only deal, but delight. Places such as facing south settings, in the reflected heat from pools or hardscape, or on a roof gardens.
These plants do that: CANNOVA® Orange Shades Canna Lily, Endurascape™ Dark Purple Verbena, and Sienna Sunrise® Heavenly Bamboo. Plus they have a variety of textures and forms that makes for an interesting vignette.
Bonus Pots!

Fabulous Foliage
You do not need to wonder if your planters will go out of bloom with fine foliage. Try Siren’s Song™ Orange Delight Heuchera. It boasts elegant leaves that look good from spring to autumn. Zone: 4-9

Cut a Few Flowers
Coneflowers grow as well in pots as they do in the garden. Enjoy Evolution™ Fiesta Coneflower’s flamboyant flowers all summer and into autumn. It blooms so much, you can cut a few to bring inside! Zone: 4-9

Beautify Bowls
Low-growing varieties, such as Deep Blue Clips Bellflower, are elegant choices for low, bowl-type containers you can use as centerpieces. This selection flowers continuously all summer. Zone: 4-9
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