5 Trees for Fall Color (Zones 8 and up!)

5 Trees for Fall Color (Zones 8 and up!)
In warmer zones many trees don’t start to color up and then lose their leaves until November or even December. Keeping the garden interesting in these months can be a challenge. Why not plant a tree that’s a late season showstopper? Here are just a few.

In this wonderful garden in Shreveport, LA, landscape architect Jeff Carbo built a garden perfect for outdoor living. (Especially in the cooler days of fall and early winter.) This allée of maples is the perfect foil for the white building and black gate.

White Fringe Tree

White Fringe Tree

North American native tree with gorgeous golden fall leaves that follow magnificent clusters of fringe-like spring blooms. Full sun. Up to 25′ tall and wide. Zone: 4 – 9

Pacific Fire Vine Maple

Pacific Fire Vine Maple

Rich green leaves clothe the coral-red stems through summer and turn yellow in fall. A large shrub or small tree for dappled shade. Up to 6′ tall and wide. Zone:5 – 9

Hyperion® Dogwood

Hyperion® Dogwood

Prolific white flowers, followed by showy red fruit and stunning fall foliage in shades of yellow, purple, and orange. Partial to full sun. Up to 20′ tall and wide. Zone: 6 – 9

Keith Davey Chinese Pistache

Keith Davey Chinese Pistache

Large street or shade tree with foliage that turns brilliant orange-crimson to scarlet as autumn progresses. If you have the room, the effect is memorable! Full sun. Up to 40′ tall and wide. Zone: 6 – 9

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2018-11-01 08:24:00
How do I determine which plants will survive in Brownsville, TX?
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Vera Mulnix
I am interested in sasanqua camellia, as shown. Will it grow here in Prescott, AZ, in the national forest up high? PS: I had a Chinese Pistache planted about 1-1/2 years ago. So young and so beautiful, with coloring ending in bright red color!
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Michelle Bain
Please tell me the name of the plant with brilliant yellow berries shown being eaten by a beautiful blue bird at the top picture on this web site....I am trying to attract and feed birds in Boise Idaho during the winter...right now I have Service Berry trees and a hedge of Oregon Grapr Holly Thank you,,,,
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Frank Barbieri
What is the largest size fringe tree I can purchase.
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