It's Camellia season! Celebrate with these fun facts.

It's Camellia season! Celebrate with these fun facts.

Camellias are coming into bloom in warmer zones. We think this happy moment calls for a bit of trivia. To help us all get to know this remarkable, useful, and drop-dead gorgeous shrub just a bit better. (Did you know any of this? Tell us in the comment below!)

(Above) Kanjiro Camellia is a C. sasanqua type with a dense, semi-weeping habit. Not only does it bloom for months, but it’s flowers are wonderful for cutting.


Pearl Maxwell

3,000:  About the total number of named kinds of Camellias.

2,000:  Most of those are C. japonica.

250:   Give or take a few, this is the number of known Camellia species.

5:   Of those, these species are most commonly cultivated as ornamentals.

43:  The number of cultivars we currently grow (like C. japonica ‘Pearl Maxwell’, left).


White Doves

From To Kill a Mockingbird to La Traviata and The Lady of the Camellias. The bloom’s symbolism of eternal love, kindness, and purity is so potent. They’ve had starring roles in movies, books, plays, and an opera.

The Camellia mentioned as ‘Snow on the Mountain’ in To Kill a Mockingbird. This is also known as ‘White Doves’ and ‘Mine-No-Yuki’ (left).


Nuccio’s Bella Rossa Camellia

From Japan to Italy, Switzerland to Australia (and of course in the American south) there are more than 500 festivals. These are around the globe and devoted solely to the joy of looking at this romantic flower.

On our bucket list is The Village of Camellias near Tuscany. This is where one can see Camellias that are more than 100 years old. Can you imagine?

(<——-This beauty is Nuccio’s Bella Rossa Camellia, a mid-season C. japonica)


Debutante Camellia

Camellias come in a remarkable range of colors (pink, white, red, striped, cream, etc.). Forms (double, single, and in between). And, sizes (ground covers to tall shrubs that can be made into small trees). But, have one universally admired trait–they are not typically browsed by deer. This is ‘Debutante’, an early-blooming C. japonica.

Mature Camellias in old forests are known to reach more than 15 meters in height (that’s 50 ft. to you and me).


Setsugekka Camellia and Kramer's Supreme Camellia

…You could have abundant blooms for 6 months! Camellia sasanqua types bloom earlier, typically starting in September right into late January. Camellia japonica types flower from December until April. Mix and match for a display that’ll be then envy of the neighborhood.

Below, we list a few of each type, chosen by our craftsmen who grow them for you.



The story of Camellias started around 2737 BC in China. This is when the leaves of one type (Camellia sinensis) reportedly fell from a tree into boiling water. Then, the Emperor flipped for the resulting brew.

It wasn’t until the 18th century that Camellias were widely imported into Europe and eventually to N. America. (This is ‘Chansonette‘, an early blooming C. sasanqua)


Buttermint Camellias

Though they are emphatically NOT divas, Camellias do have their likes.

They thrive in light shade (got a grove of pine trees with a high canopy and slightly acid soil? You’re in! If not, just make sure they get afternoon shade.) It should be planted about 2 to 3 inches higher than the surrounding soil. This will allow the shrub to set its roots and sink in.


Alba Plena

Why were Camellias the favorite flower of famed fashion designer Coco Chanel? She loved the simplicity of the shape. Mostly since when wearing the flower (‘Alba Plena‘ to be exact), the lack of scent meant it never interfered with her perfume. The famous – No. 5.


Pink-A-Boo® Camellia

Pink-A-Boo® Camellia
Zone: 7 – 10

Wonderfully fragrant blooms, this C. sasanqua makes a beautiful addition to a cool season garden. Up to 10′ tall and wide.

Yuletide Camellia

Yuletide Camellia
Zone: 7 – 10

Name says it all! Bloom just in time to clip for holiday arrangements. Up to 10′ tall and wide.

Chansonette’s Blush Camellia

Chansonette’s Blush Camellia
Zone: 7 – 9

Mid-season C. sasanqua, its a low-grower with low grower with profuse, soft pink flowers. Up to 3′ tall, 8′ wide.

Buttermint Camellia

Buttermint Camellia
Zone: 7 – 10

Lightly fragrant, ruffled, pale buttery-yellow flowers on this late season hybrid. Up to 6′ tall and 4′ wide.

Marge Miller Camellia

Marge Miller Camellia
Zone: 7 – 10

First prostrate camellia in the world, a natural groundcover, spilling over walls and out of hanging baskets. Up to 1′ tall and 4′ wide.

Nuccio’s Gem Camellia

Nuccio’s Gem Camellia
Zone: 8 – 10

Sparkling white, formal, double blooms on this mid-season blooming C. japonica. Up to 8′ tall and wide.

So, that’s just a shortlist of what makes this winter flowering shrub such as cherished addition to gardens. Camellias might rival roses for the most passed along of plants and it’s certainly easy to see why. If you have questions about Camellias please leave a comment below.

Here are a few other stories about Camellias you might enjoy:


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2018-10-31 11:43:00
Kathy Cuming
Sasanquas do quite well in full sun, and I mean full zone 8 lower south full sun. They are also much less prone to diseases and insects. They only lack the wide range of colors found in the japonicas. More hybridizing with them would be a good thiing.
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Mary Lamperski
Thanks for the article on camellia varieties. I have over 300 varieties planted and each are different. Registered with American Camellia Society now number over 3,081 different camellia.
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We've filled our back garden with Camellias for fall as we always miss the Peony's . They are filled with buds but no blooms yet but the dark green leaves glisten as the rain drops bounce off them. Camellias are beautiful plants.
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Bill Panici
My white camellias, Camellia sasanqua "Espaliered" white, planted about 3 years ago, are blooming now but are a bit spares. The blossoms are large but not as abundant as I would like. I fertilize them in the spring with Espoma's Holly Tone, and prune in March simply to shape and control. What can I do to increase the number of blossoms?
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Pete Della Ratta
Thanks for this months good to know. I have been looking for Camellias that have limited to a shorter size. Chansonett's Blush and Marge Miller are perfact for my needs. Now the only thing left is to find them at my local garden center.
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martha susrez
Where can I purchase the Camelia plants? Thank you
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Karen Hoyt
I have had Yuletide planted for 13 years, and last year had one tiny bloom, the first since it was planted. I have other camellias which bloom abundantly, so I cant figure out why Yuletide doesnt bloom. Ive asked that question at 7 Dees where I purchased the plant, and they have no answer other than to say, if you find the answer, let us know. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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Camellias are such wonderful beauty. Thank you for your message. Our two are budded. Lovely for a gift to a neighbor, one in a glass here & there. Do you have comments on Rhododendron. . .how to encourage blooms?
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Chuck Wiley
Camellias are eaten by deer in the winter on Marthas Vineyard
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Can you grow Camilias in Dallas or does it get too cold?
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Sherry Levine Odum
I'm looking for the sasanqua? mentioned here as a great ground cover.
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We were so happy to find that we can grow camellia's here in Tucson. They do so well on in pots on our east facing patio. We accidentally planted enough to have blooms for six months. So grateful for Monrovia's beautiful selection!
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Dorry Lloyd
Hi, I live in Boynton Beach, Florida and would love to grow Camellias along the path to my front Door. Is this possible and I would prefer one that has a scent. It would have to be one of the shorter varieties.
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Alej Weasley
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Edna Cooper
Let's hear more about the caffeine highs of the camellia. Did they ever catch on as a "brew"?
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Karin Miller
Karin Miller ...I have 2 camellia bushes on either side of my front porch...west exposure...they both have buds on them every year but never any flowers...what is going on and what do I need to do to produce flowers...they are a white flower variety...thank you for any suggestions
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Donna Rosenthal
[email protected]. Can I grow camellias in a pot?
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What are best camellias for indoor bloom? I have a cool room where I can get jasmine and a camellia (I do not know the name of the variet, from loges 10 years ago) to bloom each year. South facing window but very cool., 50s?. What variety would you suggest
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Kim Nguyen
I grew up in the south and we had Camellia. Can Camellia grow in Vegas in a pot?
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Becky Brown
I would love to know how to graft a camellia! The two I have are volunteers that came up under one and they are white.
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Ella Castillo
I love them!
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Melinda Rivera
I love this. I have several camellia but never knew the names. Thank you. Wish it showed more on the ones that tea is made from would like to purchase those
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Joyce mathis
I have a japonica camellia that does not put out new leaves.Kramers supreme What can I do for this patio tree. Thank you
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Charles Stewart
Do you Grow Camellia Japonica "SNOWMAN"..........My Father Developed and introduced SNOW MAN .......He was Wilmer Stewart in Savannah , Ga. It placed Best in Show a number of times in the South East .
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Kathy Bard
Is there a camellia I can grow in Ohio .I grew a japonica in Uk and missthem so much.We are zone 5/6 6/7
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Kathy Bard
Looking for japonica/cammalia for zone 6/7
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Katya Hazel
I would like to plant a camellia sinensis in my garden. I do not expect to make my own tea to drink---I just want the idea of that ancient plant. Do you carry such a thing? I live 2 miles from the Pacific Ocean in San Diego. My English garden is always cool and breezy! Thanks.
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Jamie Hartwell
I'm working on a presentation about camellias and found fun and interesting info on your site, not to mention the gorgeous plants. I think there are a few I need to have, with my tall pine trees in the backyard. Thank you.
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