(Zones 4 - 7) Add glowing golden foliage to the garden

(Zones 4 - 7) Add glowing golden foliage to the garden
Golden-yellow leafed plants brighten the landscape. Imbuing spaces with either a radiant luminosity or a splash of instant sunshine, depending on the hue. Ranging from chartreuse to molten, they have a complexity that adds depth and contrast while meshing companionably with other colors. It can be true that a little of this color goes a long way. However, experiment with a few of these that add the Midas touch to your garden.

For zones 7 – 10, click here.

Magic Carpet Spirea

Magic Carpet Spirea

Clusters of small pink flowers contrast with bright gold mature foliage that turns rich russet red in fall. Use to brighten and fill in beds and borders. Full sun.

Golden Hinoki False Cypress

Golden Hinoki False Cypress

Sprays of feathery bright golden-yellow foliage distinguish this tall conifer noted for exceptional winter color. Great for a fast-growing screen. Partial to full sun.

Golden Prince® Wintercreeper

Golden Prince® Wintercreeper

Colorful evergreen shrub, its new foliage brightly edged in golden-yellow before maturing to green. Perfect for a zesty low hedge. Full sun.

Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree

Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree

Unique, fruitless, male ginkgo with fan-shaped green foliage that turns brilliant gold in fall. Slow-growing; exceptional shade tree with age. Easy care. Full sun.

Golden Nuggetâ„¢ Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Golden Nuggetâ„¢ Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Radiant, non-burning foliage with a golden-orange cast most of the season. Compact form; adds punch to low borders. Full sun.

Golden Japanese Forest Grass

Golden Japanese Forest Grass

Foliage emerges in spring, with slender stems holding bright yellow leaves with thin green stripes. Useful as a groundcover or in a pot. Partial sun.

Sparkler® Colorado Blue Spruce

Sparkler® Colorado Blue Spruce

Heralds spring with bright yellow-gold new growth in stunning contrast to the mature blue-green foliage. Ideal for accent, windbreak or screen. Full sun.

Vicary Golden Privet

Vicary Golden Privet

Unusual, golden-hued deciduous privet is beautifully colored. Both during the growing season and in the fall when it takes on a fiery tint. Ideal for tall hedge. Full sun.

Golden Feather Arborvitae

Golden Feather Arborvitae

Large, tall, evergreen upright shrub with golden yellow foliage provides multi-season interest for an easy-care, colorful hedge. Partial to full sun.

Autumn Moon Fullmoon Maple

Autumn Moon Fullmoon Maple

New growth unfurls yellow to burnt orange; fall foliage displays shades of gold to red. Right sized for small gardens with limited space. Partial to full sun.

What goes with gold?

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2016-09-02 14:20:00
Debbie Bragnalo
I really appreciate all your beautiful pictures and learning of all the different types of mother nature
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Dana Barrett
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Melody Spencer
Your site has helped me in choosing the right plants for any given area as my husband & I have moved often over the years such as Florida, S.C., MO., and now the mountains of North Carolina, which is where we plan to retire. There is nothing more frustrating than to purchase expensive plants only to have them fail due to erroneous information regarding a plants requirements to succeed....even in local nurseries. So often when I see a plant I might consider for our yard, I often visit your sight to double check complete details esp. regarding the Monrovia brand as I know there are micro-climates within any given area. Our retirement home will prove a challenge for we live on top of a mountain with plenty of trees, wind, snow & compacted clay soil around the house. I have a lot of work ahead of me & plan to start out right by purchasing the Monrovia plants due to their quality and vigor, which has never failed me no matter where we have lived in the past. Sincerely, Melody
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Newton Levy
Cannot find your gold leaf spirea at Lowes and have been unable to have them ordered. I would like 5 plants. Do you have any suggestions? Newton in Brevard, NC.
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Brenda Rosson
I have been wanting a Slender Hinoki False Cyress and finally decide to oder but to my dismay there is only the 1.6 gallon available. I was in my Lowes, Shawnee ,OK 74804 and I've looked every time I'm there for this tree. Today I went and i was standing right by one, but didn't recognize it because it was gold and seemed dried out. It was not in the correct container, but a larger one. I know that I read this tree turns golden to orange in the fall. It didn't appear healthy so I didn't buy. I would really like to buy the next size up but I see it isn't available? Can you explain why the tree was an orange color. And I would like to know when the 3 gallon size is available.
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