All About these Fragrant "Grafted" Gardenias

All About these Fragrant "Grafted" Gardenias

If you live in a warmer zone, gardenias are just one of the much-envied garden treasures you can grow. Once planted in partial to full sun, in organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soil they love (yes, they have needs). Given a few years to settle, they bloom on repeat from late spring through early summer.

But what if you could have a gardenia that performs better?

Monrovia is the only grower who offers a range of grafted gardenias. Gardenia varieties are improved when grafted onto Gardenia thunbergii rootstock. This is due to its superior root system and its resistance to root-knot nematodes.* A key benefit to the southeastern part of the United States. This vigorous rootstock is also more efficient at soil nutrient uptake.

If you’ve had troubles with gardenias, consider trying one of these four varieties. And let us know how they did in your garden. If you have questions, let me know! Oh, and if you need inspiration for using your gardenias in cut flower arrangements, here are a few ideas.

*While most nematodes–translucent, unsegmented worms –are beneficial, a few species of these are plant parasites.

First Love® Gardenia (Grafted)

Fragrant white blooms are larger than any other gardenia and the first to bloom. A superb evergreen landscape accent or container plant for courtyards or patio. Up to 8′ tall and 6 ‘ wide. Partial to full sun. Zone: 8 – 11

Everblooming Gardenia (Grafted)

Everblooming Gardenia (Grafted)
Zone: 8 – 11

Smaller in size (so good for containers and borders). Although that same profusion of fragrant white blooms with glossy evergreen foliage. Up to 4′ tall and 3′ wide. Partial to full sun.

August Beauty Gardenia (Grafted)

August Beauty Gardenia (Grafted)
Zone: 8 – 11

A prolific bloomer with large, double, sweetly fragrant, velvety white flowers. Medium sized, it’s ideal for mixed borders or a low hedge. Up to 5′ tall and 3′ wide. Partial to full sun.

Mystery Gardenia (Grafted)

Mystery Gardenia (Grafted)
Zone: 8 – 11

This most popular, upright Gardenia is an excellent single specimen capable of scenting an entire courtyard or patio garden. Shady foundation? Wow. Up to 5′ tall and 3′ wide. Partial to full sun.

Love them? Buy them!

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2018-05-02 14:03:00
Bill Gore
We live in zone 7...Clemson, SC. Please comment on the Daisy gardenia and how it compares to the featured varities above. Also, we need a maximum 3 foot high selection for a location at the front of our new home...that is shaded by the house in the morning and gets full sun for the remainer of the day. Would the Daisy be the right choice? Please advise. Many thanks! Bill
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Moyalana Stipe
Would like to know about fertilizer. When to fertilize and what brand do you recommend.
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Elsie Zinsser
Hi, I am thrilled to see varieties of the indigenous South African Gardenia being developed. The following link will provide additional interesting information.
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Pamela Budd
Is there a verity that grows well in my zone 7B? I have tried several and planted in protected areas, but, they have all gotten bunt with cold and died. Have you got anything?
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Centella Jorgensen
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Centella Jorgensen
I love my First Love ? I live where we get s little frost. I have had my first one about 10 years ago have planted 3 more in my front yard. Great foundation plant!! When in bloom I have them all over our home next to your bed is great the smell!!!!
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Cathy Gunn
I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida. What gardenia plants would you recommend for us? Thank you
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Carol & Don Adams
My husband is raising paw paw trees and needs more. Do you have these for sale? Pomegranate trees? Thanks, Carol
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Skip & Cora Culli
I in zone 5 and love Gardenias. Ive bought Gardenia trees and bushes but every one has ended up with those white aphids causing the buds to fall off and the plants die so Ive given up owning Gardenias. Ive talked to growers but nothing seems to work. Any advice??
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Anna Noland
I live in zone 7b, will these grow in my area? I live south of Richmond, Virginia. We have had a very bad spring, my three gardenia bushes look terrible. I really need advice on what to do? Can I send you pictures? Thank you, Anna
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Shelley Douglas
I live in the Pacific Northwest and get a lot of rain, but really love Gardinias. Which type would you suggest for my area, i am in zone 8a?? Please help! Already lost two !! Thank you
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Eduardo Ortega
I love to grow any of this or all gardenias in my property but in the past no much lock, I believe my zone is 7 Sparks Nevada zip 89436 do you think I may be able to grow it over here?
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I believe the Gardenia is my favorite flower since I was a kid. The fragrance is absolutely beautiful to me. If I can not find the Gardenia I like the Hyacinth for color and fragrance. I did not know there were different type of Gardenia plants, thank you for the information.
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Liz Sanders
What do you suggest for zone 7.
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My gardenia is getting yellow leaves. I think I need to increase the pH. How do I do that?
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Aurora Santos
Needs a good subscriptions of sweet fragrance flowering plants.
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Please make one that grows in zone 7
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Alan Fetters
Can these grafted gardenias be grown in pots in central Ohio? Are they guaranteed to grow and Bloom? I've had 5 gardenias in the past and they always die on me. Also about how much do they cost and what size? Thank you
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Cheryl Dalton
I dont live in the zone required for gardenias so I am wondering if they will thrive indoors?
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Moyalana Stipe
My August Beauty Gardenia flowers are yellow. Cant attach picture here. You have to see this. Contact me please. Moyalana Stipe
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Marian F.
I live in Michigan but love gardenias. Is it useless to try to keep a plant alive indoors through the winter ?
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My Gardenia is been planted for 4 years now ,in a partial sun area of my garden ,( started to bloom inmidiatly after it was planted docens of buds that felt before got the chance of opening ,at that time the plant got about 4 diferent infectations at once, it came aut of it , but never had bloom againt , and really dosent look to heathy , will you please send mi some recommendations for feeding and watering . Thank you Maritza
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Ann Piazza
What is good for western Oregon?
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Connie Henry-Reid
Hi everyone! Where can I purchase one of your everblooming grafted gardenias? My mothers vintage gardenia (over 40 years old) did not survive the move back into my grammies little house. We still live in South Philly. I would so love to try again. Do you think this size gardenia is good for a container? I would bring her in for the winter... right? My dear mom had a gorgeous greenhouse/enclosed porch in front of her big house. I had to considerably downsize and gave most of her plants away. Only a few of her darlings survived the move. Not to worry... I have a magnificent butterfly garden here at my grammies little house (out back). I am even registered as a MONARCH WAYSTATION with MONARCH WATCH. Thanks for your help:) CONNIE
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Hal Czerniejewski
Please tell me what zone Phoenix is in and what will grow best here....
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Isaac Standifird
Is there a gardenia or a jasmine hardy in zone 6B?
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Ii live in Naples Fl what to do to grow in doors I love hydrangea peonies gardenia etc suggest
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Robert Bucher
I live in southeastern Pennsylvania, is there a gardenia suitable for in house during the winter and on the patio during the summer?
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Peggy R Watson
Waiting impatiently for mine to bloom!!!
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Peggy R Watson
Waiting impatiently for mine to bloom!
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I am not in zone8-11 but Philadelphia pa But I like to buy. Will make patios garden Please send me price My be will bye more then one to gift friends and family
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Alma Velazquez
The leaves turning yellow and darker then the bottoms before opening turns the same way and fouls. Thanks
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I have one and it is about a 7 ft sphere. Can you explain how I could start some cuttings? I am running out of room in the winter. Thanks
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I have a problem with the blossoms turning brown right before they bloom, like a rotted bud.
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Beatrice Smith
I'm planting these next spring. Where can I buy them?
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Myra Davis
Myra Davis
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Susan Gibbs
I had 4 big bushes of the Mystery gardenia when we used to live in OC and we've enjoyed the blooms year after year! My niece from London got married here in the US just so I can make her gardenia wedding bouquet! It was unforgettable! Now we live in Lake Elsinore, I want to know if I can still grow them here! These are my favorite flower of all time!
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I found mystery gardenia here did not know it was a Monrovia selection. Trying two Gardenias in the sunroom as houseplant's and the information here was informative and useful as one is " mystery gardenia "
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Gary Lee Richmond
We planted 3 grafted First Love 5 gallon plants about 8 years ago in a part sun (but very hot when sun gets there) location in Palo Alto. They have been vigorous and heavily blooming plants all along, now almost 6' tall. They started to get a little yellow one winter, but chelated iron took care of that right away. We've been very impressed and now would like to try the Everblooming one in a smaller space.
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Gary Lee Richmond
We planted 3 grafted First Love 5 gallon plants about 8 years ago in a part sun (but very hot when sun gets there) location in Palo Alto. They have been vigorous and heavily blooming plants all along, now almost 6' tall. They started to get a little yellow one winter, but chelated iron took care of that right away. We've been very impressed and now would like to try the Everblooming one in a smaller space.
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Ian Brown
I live in Vancouver BC and currently have had success with the hardy variety of Gardenia. My question is are these grafted varieties hardy enough to withstand our winter?
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Henry Laughlin
I am looking to buy a grafted standard gardenia tree. I live in Maine. I have a 50 year old gardenia tree that I have raised since it was 1" diameter stem with a 24" standard stem. Today it the stem is over 4" diameter and the crown is 5' . It's blooming now and is just plain lovely. This is a house plant has been raised in my apartment, house, etc all these years. It's my pride and joy. I would like to add another grafted, standard gardenia tree to my collection. Can I buy direct or is there a rental agent who I can buy from. Do you work with anyone in Maine or even in New England. Thoughts?
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Gina Camillucci
Hello, I want to get a gardenia bush. I live in Sanford Florida and have a very spacious yard. Not sure of the soil though. Please give me some direction as to what type of gardenia bush is best for me.
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Hector Garcia
I am having problems with my Belmont Grafted Gardenia. Not blooming very well, blooms fall off before they open.
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Reeta biswas
Want to buy some variety of grafted gardening. Since I am living at north west need to know the tips for growing Grafted Gardenia .thanks a lot. Reeta
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John Williams
Have you tried grafting coffee to magnolia?
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We are currently digging the holes to plant 3 Mystery Gardenias. Living in AZ our soil here is orangish and loaded with clay. We've tried many times to grow Gardenias and thought we'd try one last time. How acidic do Gardenias like the soil? I got some soil acidifier that is 30-10-10 and am not sure how much to add to the soil. I got 3 - 1-gallon plants.
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Preston Hoge
Do you have any gardenia trees grafted with Fig tree trunks?
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I live in Phoenix, AZ-zone 9b-10a. What variety of gardenia (grafted and otherwise) does best in this area? And best time to plant? Thank you
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Do all of your gardenia trees have the Gardenia Thunbergii rootstock? I am very interested in buying 2 but the tag on the Monrovia gardenia trees do not identify the rootstock used as being Gardenia Thunbergii. If I special order the gardenia trees, what sizes are available-5gal,10gal,or 15 gal?
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