Crushing on fruity-fragrant conifers this Spring

Crushing on fruity-fragrant conifers this Spring

We love conifers for their clean, crisp, resin-y conifer scent. Although, did you know that some of these tough, hardy, easy-growing shrubs have foliage with distinctly fruity scents? Here are just five to consider when thinking about what to plant this spring.

(Note that these are not for smaller gardens as they get quite large with age. Although, some can be sheared hard to retain a more compact size. If you have the space, both make excellent evergreen hedges or green privacy screens.)

Malonyana Arborvitae

Shiny, mint-green foliage has a unique pineapple scent when crushed. Extremely narrow habit makes this an ideal replacement for Italian cypress in cold climates. Reaches up to 30 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. Zone: 4 – 8


Green Sport Western Red Cedar

Shiny foliage has a scent of fresh apples. Narrow and conical, this trouble-free evergreen tree responds well to shearing. Reaches up to 12 ft. tall and 5 ft. wide in ten years (larger when fully mature). Zone: 5 – 9


Donard Gold Monterey Cypress

Fragrant foliage is reminiscent of ripe lemony-citrus. Provides an attractive tall backdrop for low shrubs. Makes a handsome hedge or screen. Reaches up to 30 ft. tall and 8 ft. wide. Zone: 7 – 10


Candicans White Fir

Silvery blue needles have a distinct tangerine peel/lemony scent on a symmetrically shaped shrub. One of the most adaptable, drought and heat resistance of firs. Reaches up to 15 ft. tall and 10 ft. wide. Zone: 4 – 8


Moonglow Juniper

Exceptionally showy, silvery blue foliage with the rich scent of apples and lemons. Tough and waterwise, with a dense compact branching habit that resists grazing by deer. Reaches up to 20 ft. high and 8 ft. wide. Zone: 3 – 7

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2017-01-16 10:04:00
Leslie Hochhalter
I have moved to Tennessee. Have 8 acres would love to plant these all along the drive up to house and around house. Will be moving in February 25 . I believe we're in East Tennessee. Love these trees
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SG598: Top Easy-to-Grow Houseplants with Lisa Eldred Steinkopf - 6ftmama
[…] Crushing on fruity-fragrant conifers […]
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richard a studley
please let me know, how tall the moonglow juniper is, when purchased in a 3.6 gallon for $94.00. thanks, richard
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Patti McQuattie
Hello, We live in Reno, NV at the tree line of the mountains, at Verdi, which puts us in the -20 zone. We're having such a tough time finding privacy hedges that will survive our winters. Could you help us with this please? I'd like to order 17 - 18 mature hedges, through Lowes in Reno, from Monrovia. We have been buying Monrovia roses, plants, for years and it's a name that we trust for dependability and great healthy plants. Thank you for your assistance.
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Gayle Withnell
I'm looking for two Lemon Cyprus trees to put in large pots near our front door
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Sue Contreras
I am in need of 5 Lemon cypress (Wilma Golcrest) about 46 inches tall (including pot). I bought 7 at Molbak's in Woodinville and need five more to complete a hedge. Could you please help me find them? Thank you!
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