Peruvian Lily: A Fresh and Bright Waterwise Surprise!

Peruvian Lily: A Fresh and Bright Waterwise Surprise!

You may have seen these as cut flowers at the grocery store. Although, did you know they're super easy to grow right in your own garden? Fresh, bright, and deceptively tough despite their tropical looks. Peruvian lilies (Alstroemeria) should be on your radar this month if you live in warmer zones (8 - 11).*

  • Unfussy, they thrive in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Notably waterwise once established.
  • Bit of a chameleon, they're fun to design with. They can be country-classy in a cottage garden or exotic in a tropical garden. Plus, they provide seamless but not overly romantic color in a modern setting.
  • Bred to stay compact, this group (Colorita® ) is ideal to fill pots and windowboxes.
  • Bloom nearly non-stop from spring through fall, pausing only during the dog days of summer. Then, they'll be back with brilliant fall blooms.
  • Multiply to form a nice, tight clump. Divided every three years you’ll have loads of plants to fill in with or share.

As you begin to plot out your garden, look for places were you need easy color. Pop in a few of this wonderful, fun plant.

*Colder climates–we’re not leaving you out here! You can grow Peruvian lily as long as you dig up the tuberous roots after the first light frost. Put them in a peat-filled plastic bag, and store them in a cool, dark place. Order NOW for delivery when the time is right for planting.

Color, color, color!


Colorita® Eliane® Peruvian Lily

Masses of impressively large, rosy pink petals with a golden center and rich maroon flecks. Stellar mixed with mid-height spikey purples such as Junior Walker™ Catmint, Goodwin Creek Gray Lavender, or Blue Marvel Salvia.


Colorita® Amina® Peruvian Lily

Loads of Crayola-orange blooms with a speckled yellow center. Pair this one with chartreuse/yellows such as Variegated Sweet Flag grass, Thriller Lady’s Mantle, and Little Rocket Leopard Plant.


Colorita® Ariane® Peruvian Lily

Loads of outstanding deep yellow blooms on dense, strong branches. Layer with hot reds for cool contrast such as Tropicanna® Black Canna, Firecracker Plant, and Wheels of Wonder® Fire Wonder Ice Plant.


Colorita® Diana® Peruvian Lily

Abundant, large, warm-yellow flowers gently striped in orange adds a playful touch to the garden. Keep it fun with Bandana® Rose Improved Lantana, Columbus Montbretia, and Flamenco Red Hot Poker.

What Peruvian Lilies Prefer

  • Grow well in enriched, well-drained soils.
  • Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. In subsequent years, water regularly, when top 3 in. of soil is dry.
  • Flowering may slow or stop in hot weather. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch thickly at planting time and again each subsequent spring.
  • Blooms best when old stems are plucked rather than clipped. Pull the entire stalk out of the ground.
  • For a neat appearance, remove old foliage before new leaves emerge.
  • Divide clumps every 2 to 3 years in early spring.

Love it? Buy It!


Alstroemeria x 'Zapriari'
Item #41662
Compact and Colorful


Alstroemeria x 'Zapriamin'
Item #8724
Compact and Colorful


Alstroemeria x 'Zapriari'
Item #41662
Compact and Colorful


Alstroemeria x 'Zapridapal' Plant Patent #19,395
Item #5157
Compact and Colorful


Alstroemeria x 'AlsDun01' Plant Patent #21,001
Item #6638
Compact and Colorful

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2017-01-17 10:40:00
Dave Cantrell
Are the Peruvian Lillies available in the San Luis Obispo area at this time?
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Caroline Theis
I need to place some orders They are so beautiful flower
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