Design Ideas for Filling Those Fall Containers

Design Ideas for Filling Those Fall Containers
This year, rather than fill containers with the usual mounds of mums, celebrate harvest hues. Do so by redoing pots using perennials and shrubs as the backbone, dolled-up with seasonal annuals. Come the snowy or rainy season, when the seasonal color is done but containers still look great. You'll be glad you chose plants for structure and foliage rather than just bling. Here are a few fresh ideas to get you started.

Strength in Numbers

Namely, two. But two plants that are such singular sensations, they need no embellishment to be simply stunning when planted together. Underplanting a Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar with the strappy blades of Black Mondo Grass. This might not be obvious, but it sure is a wow! Best in zones 6 – 9, but in colder regions, Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick will also give the same effect.

Just a Kiss of Fall

We love this because it’s about “autumn,” but in an elegant, subtle way. These plants are for more temperate zones, but steal the idea. (Evercolor® EverOro SedgeRainbow Drooping FetterbushCreeping Wire VineThunderbird Evergreen Huckleberry). In colder zones, use a Japanese maple and Charming Fantasy™ Snowberry instead.


Use Me All Over The Place

Here’s a wonderful idea for smaller spaces such as a front step, outdoor dining table, or topping a rock wall. These perennials might die back in the coldest zones. However, the grass, ivy and viola will take you into pre-holiday potted style. In zones 7 and above, they’ll look good all winter, become all fabulous in spring. Want the look? Here’s the recipe: Palace Purple Coral BellsCaramel Coral BellsGold Fountains SedgeCreeping Jenny. Thorndale English IvyMAGNIFISCENT™ Sunny Jim Viola.


Play With Me

Invest in a pair of good-sized boxwood that can by shaped by simple pruning into a cone. (Or, buy them that way!) For instance, these Winter Gem Boxwood and add cascades of English Ivy to a elegant trough planter. Then, have fun with the seasons. In fall, pull out tired annuals. Swap in dark and light hued ornamental cabbages along with orange and yellow crotons. The crotons and Compact Sprenger Asparagus Fern peaking out can come inside at the first hint of frost. The rest will thrive all winter.

Foliage Rules

You simply can't go wrong composing a container with compact shrubs. Especially ones that are all about their colorful foliage and look great nearly year round months. Here Purple Pixie® Fringe Flower and Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo play to the purple side of fall. Abetted by Fireworks Fountain Grass and Alabama Sunset coleus. Now, the coleus will, of course not make the winter. (When it comes out, slip in cut branches in cold zones, and bedding plants like cyclamen.) Although the other plants should look pretty nice!

Top Image: Topiarius, Inc.

Image 1: Singing Gardens;  Image 2: Kenneth Philip Landscape Architects; Image 3: The Graceful Gardener;  Image 4: Original source unknown; Image 5: Cozy Guide

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2016-09-29 13:33:00
Prince snow farm
These are gorgeous and unique and make me smile!!
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C Norris
English Ivy is invasive and crowds out native plants. Please stop promoting it.
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Kris lichthart
Beautiful! Can't wait to put mine together.
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Marlene Jung
I am so so impressed with your website ,i am so happy to have found you
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Filling Those Fall Containers – Garden Centres & Landscaping
[…] Filling Those Fall Containers […]
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priscilla kelly
If I remember doesn't mums come up every year?
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Fresh Ideas for Fall Containers | Grow Beautifully
[…] For more fall container ideas, please check out this post. […]
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Nancy Shawn
Beautiful fall containets
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question... when you use these tall pots/planters, do you fill with soil or put fillers inside the pots? I've never potted with tall planters and I really want to try.
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Sara Sills
Just wishing. I am on a fixed income,can't really but anything. Thanks for the ideas.
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