An Inspiring California Garden to Visit
Frequent fog acts as a cooling and humidifying blanket, reducing the intensity of the full sun. While trees shield the perennials from strong ocean winds and form an attractive backdrop. The shrubs and trees provide beauty and interest to this garden during winter and early spring when perennials are dormant. This includes dwarf conifers, magnolias, and Cryptomeria japonica (relatives of the giant sequoia). The grass is a standard park blend of blue fescue and rye grasses which withstands foot and cart traffic. One must walk on the meandering grass paths to fully appreciate the Perennial Garden. See more of this fabulously colorful garden on the California coast.
Have you been to a botanic garden this summer or have one to recommend? Tell us more!
Image Credit: Pam Penick, Digging
Pam is the author of two books, the best-selling Lawn Gone! and The Water-Saving Garden. Follow her garden travels and tours on Facebook and Instagram for “all the gardening goodness I can dig up.
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