Create a Garden That Works within Nature

Create a Garden That Works within Nature

Okay, who’s about ready to pass out from the painterly, gorgeous garden?!

Rebecca Sams and Buell Steelman of the Eugene, Oregon design firm Mosaic Gardens. They updated the aesthetic of a traditional cottage garden with newer plant varieties. With the addition of a large Vietnamese urn and basalt pathways and more contemporary design concepts. The result is a garden that has the soft feel of a cottage garden but with less maintenance. As well as a much longer peak season and fewer temptation for hungry deer. “When carefully selected and placed, these plants offer a sculptural whimsy that underscores, the romantic classic feel of the garden,” says Rebecca. We could not agree more.

You must click over to see the rest of this truly remarkable, lush, inventive garden. Read the entire story here.

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2018-02-28 01:03:00
OMG I want this garden!!!!! If I had only seen this 25 years ago...... if I was younger I'd do it! I have a slope in my backyard that is a cottage garden that I love, but as I age it's hard keep it up. I will diffinately remember this Suncatcher plan. Thanks for sharing this beautiful creation!
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Its annoying and disapointing that frequently I look up one plantypu focus on and its not available. When that happens I frequently leave your site.
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Tom McCauley
Im having a problem with deer eating my new shoots that are comimg up...what can I do and whats plants are deer and rabbits saft?
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Franki Farmer
i love the plant id when you scroll over it! Lush, peaceful, yet vibrant. Beautiful!
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One of my favorite Monrovia garden scenes. What is the name of the plant in the bottom right of photo, and looks like a type pine?
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