New Years' Resolutions from the Nursery: Connect with Nature

New Years' Resolutions from the Nursery: Connect with Nature

As you might expect, we are a company of fanatic gardeners. And, as you might also expect, (like you) we are always hoping to do better and be better at gardening. So, we asked our craftsmen for their top garden resolution for 2019. Here’s what they told us. We’d love to know what you are resolving to do in your garden in 2019.

Share below in comments (we know you’ll give us great ideas–you always do!)

“Learn to live with imperfection, nature is perfect as she is.”
— Shawn Frederick, Iowa


“I’ll be planting more in the fall months allowing plenty of time for roots to establish.”
— Jordon, Colorado


“I would like to work on a “living fence” and lots of colorful containers. It may take the entire year! ” 
— Ashley, Oregon


“Plan for pollinators – have something blooming each season so they visit my garden frequently!”
—Allison, Wisconsin

“I’m going to create more containers on our patio to bring a coziness to our outdoor space.”
 Brent Grunfeld, Tennessee


“Adding plants that can be used in holistic remedies, such as
rosemary and lavender.”
— Chris, Connecticut


“We’re designing and planting a small rose garden mostly for cutting flowering for vases.”
–Ron, Oregon


“I’m planting more evergreens to be able to see more than just bare sticks in the winter.”
— Marina, Oregon

“Get all the plants I bought IN the ground!!”
— Stephanie, Washington


“I’ll be having more events in the garden, and relax for 15 minutes a night under the stars.”
–Haley, California


“Going to update my garden beds with new SunBelievable™ Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus (right)!”
Amy, Wisconsin


“Adding even more Flower Carpet® Pink Groundcover Roses to my garden (so much color!)”
—Hilda, California

“Pruning timely! I have a few things that have gotten away from me. I’m getting the pruners and loppers out more often in 2019!”
— Marilyn, Oregon


“I hope to change all of my garden to drip irrigation and am planting more low water use plants.”
— Tyler, California


“My kiddo and I are going to add more grapes and fruit trees to our vegetable garden!”
– Carrie, Michigan


“I will be taking out my old Hydrangeas and replacing with the new Seaside Serenade Hydrangeas!”
— Pier Davis, New Jersey

That’s just some of what we’ll all be up to in 2019. Please tell us your garden resolutions in comments below!

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2019-01-07 01:10:00
I am looking forward to spring planting to create a garden around my fish pond and another new bed near my shed. Both will need to be as colorful as possible in the shade. .
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I hope you are right and that HGTV will put the "G" back into their programming. I'm looking forward to the new garden show Backyard Envy that premieres on Bravo on Thursday, January 17, at 10/9c.
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Lynette, Hercules, California
Ill plant more vegetables to grow with my flowering plants among my fruit trees!
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BJ Wagner
I have been searching in Peoria, Il ; Lowe's and Home Depot also; I also contacted Hoerr Nursery and they had not ordered any for their nursery either. I then stopped at the nursery in Chillicothe and they had not heard of the plant until I described it and they looked on line. Which has not helped me. I still didn't find the Plant!!! Please advise!
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