3 Gardenias to Add Romance to the Garden

3 Gardenias to Add Romance to the Garden

How to describe the intoxicating, haunting scent when this flower unfurls its petals? Floral like jasmine? Heavy like thick cream? Sweet as orange blossom honey? Its fragrance is complex, but its appeal is simple. It takes just a few blooms to fill a garden with hypnotic and alluring scent. They're spectacular when cut for floral arrangements. The fact that they’re also easy to grow in warmer zones, is just a bonus.

Prolific, large, sweetly fragrant, velvety white blooms and lustrous evergreen foliage. Zones: 8-11

Fantastically Fragrant


First Love® Gardenia
Zones: 8-11

Early-blooming, fragrant, 4 to 5 inch blooms are larger than any other variety!


Frostproof Gardenia
Zones: 7-11

Large, fragrant flowers on a plant that thrives with more direct sun.


Everblooming Gardenia (Grafted)
Zones: 8-11

Profuse fragrant white blooms. Grafted rootstock allows it to thrive in poor soils.

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2017-02-17 01:50:00
Sandy Smith
Where can I order either the Everbloomig or First love Gardenias
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Karen Burrise
I am absolutely IN LOVE with my 'First Love' Gardenia plant. We have kept it in its container because we live in Illinois, which is not conducive to the best atmosphere for this plant, except in summer. The Gardenia has always been my favorite/special flower (wedding bouquet) and when I saw the size and beauty of 'First Love', I knew I had to have it. I would love to try and keep it until next year--inside the house in a sunny room. I hope it will survive. If you have any tips on how I might achieve this, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you, again, for offering the public such a gorgeous plant.
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If you have alkaline soil and you think you cannot grow Gardenia--now you can! Monrovia grafted gardenias make it possible! I am so excited by this development! Thank you Monrovia!
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