Designing a Small Space: A Patio for Entertaining

Designing a Small Space: A Patio for Entertaining

Doesn't this inviting patio of a charming Richmond, VA property just beg to be enjoyed on a warm summer evening? It's wreathed by hollies that provide ample privacy with hydrangeas, boxwood, and a Japanese maple. Also containing loads of annuals-filled containers, it's a garden space that's big on style and low on maintenance.

Plenty of steal-me ideas here!

Image: Traditional Home

Photography: Rob Cardillo

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2017-05-31 07:09:00
Ili all the green and the furniture's weathered look....
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paul stroff
Great Information as always-- we leave in Orange Cty with a mostly southern exposure on a large patio. ( full sun from late April until late September) What type of plantings in pots do you suggest?
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