Annuals are an excellent solution as you can change them out to keep the planter looking seasonal. Although, if you want a one-stop solution, look no further than ground covers. They spread to cover the soil and then generally cascade over the edges providing a softening effect. And, they’re super easy to maintain.
Here are seven we recommend.
Just the thing for under other waterwise shrubs such as Little Ollie® Dwarf Olive or Little Ragu® Sweet Bay. 1 to 2 ft. tall, 8 ft. wide. Full sun.

Chocolate Chip Carpet Bugle
Zone: 4 – 9
Bronze-tinged spreading foliage with pretty violet spring flowers. Lovely with blue-hued conifers such as Blue Point juniper. Up to 3 in. tall and 3 ft. wide. Partial to full sun.

Jewel of the Desert Garnet Ice Plant
Zone: 5 – 10
Long season, super-hardy bloomer! Use under other waterwise plants such as potted Tiny Tower cypress. Up to 4 in. tall and 20 in. wide. Full sun.

Bowles’ Common Periwinkle
Zone: 4 – 10
Under a potted spiral topiary such as Swane’s Golden Italian cypress, adds loads of flowery softness. 4 to 6 in. tall, spreading. Full shade to full sun.

Angel Wing Jasmine
Zone 10 – 11
We love a gardenia that’s been trained into a standard but why not add more fragrance with a trailing jasmine! Up to 15 ft. long (can be cut back). Full sun.

Bronze Carpet Stonecrop
Zone: 3 – 9
Where it’s super cold and you want winter color, this is the ideal choice for under a potted evergreen. Up to 6 in. tall and 24 in. wide. Partial to full sun.
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