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Tree Mallow

Lavatera maritima

Pronunciation: lav-a-TEE-ra ma-RIH-tih-muh
SKU #05740

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An excellent background shrub for dry perennial beds and mixed shrub borders. Numerous lovely pale lavender hibiscus-like flowers bloom throughout summer, each with a showy purple throat. The summer flowers are complemented by maple-like gray-green leaves. An excellent addition to warm, dry Mediterranean-style gardens. Evergreen.
LIGHT: Full sun
WATER: Once established, water occasionally.
SIZE: Grows to 6 ft. tall and wide.

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This Plant's Growing Zones: 6-8

USDA Cold Hardiness Zone Map

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Bloom TimeSummer to fall
Special FeaturesEasy Care, Waterwise, Fast Growing
Problems/SolutionsCoastal Exposure
Growth RateModerate
Growth HabitUpright
Flower AttributesFlowers for Cutting, Long Bloom Season, Showy Flowers
Landscape UseBorder, Container, Hedge, Privacy Screen
Design IdeasBush Mallow is a Mediterranean shrub that is most at home in drier Western landscapes. Rangy and irregular, it's best as a background shrub for more compact dryland or native flowering perennials. It can be clipped or sheared for a more formal character as a hedge or medium-height screen. Perfect on banks and slopes, among landscape boulders and in wild landscapes. Its greatest value is as a source of color in drought-resistant gardens, where its uniquely textured foliage makes a lush back-of-the-border filler.
Flower ColorPurple
Foliage ColorGray-green
Companion PlantsScotch Broom (Cytisus); Butterfly Bush (Buddleja); Tickseed (Coreopsis); Lavender (Lavandula); Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia)
Care InstructionsThrives in light, fertile soils with excellent drainage and low moisture. Water regularly during first growing season to establish root system; once established, reduce frequency. Prune lightly after first bloom flush to promote continued flowering and encourage dense new growth. Hard prune annually to shape and rejuvenate. Feed in early spring.
LoreMallows are closely related to the wetland plant known as "marsh mallow" with roots used to create this popular confection.
Bloom TimeSummer to fall
Special FeaturesEasy Care, Waterwise, Fast Growing
Problems/SolutionsCoastal Exposure
Growth RateModerate
Growth HabitUpright
Flower AttributesFlowers for Cutting, Long Bloom Season, Showy Flowers
Landscape UseBorder, Container, Hedge, Privacy Screen
Design IdeasBush Mallow is a Mediterranean shrub that is most at home in drier Western landscapes. Rangy and irregular, it's best as a background shrub for more compact dryland or native flowering perennials. It can be clipped or sheared for a more formal character as a hedge or medium-height screen. Perfect on banks and slopes, among landscape boulders and in wild landscapes. Its greatest value is as a source of color in drought-resistant gardens, where its uniquely textured foliage makes a lush back-of-the-border filler.
Flower ColorPurple
Foliage ColorGray-green
Companion PlantsScotch Broom (Cytisus); Butterfly Bush (Buddleja); Tickseed (Coreopsis); Lavender (Lavandula); Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia)
Care InstructionsThrives in light, fertile soils with excellent drainage and low moisture. Water regularly during first growing season to establish root system; once established, reduce frequency. Prune lightly after first bloom flush to promote continued flowering and encourage dense new growth. Hard prune annually to shape and rejuvenate. Feed in early spring.
LoreMallows are closely related to the wetland plant known as "marsh mallow" with roots used to create this popular confection.

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We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly

100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr.
in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.

We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly 100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality.