10 Stunning Monrovia Plants to Purchase NOW

10 Stunning Monrovia Plants to Purchase NOW

From us to you. Here's a sneak peek at what's coming to a garden centers just in time for early summer planting. Vines, shrubs, roses, shade-lovers and all sorts of wonderful plants ideal for containers. Here’s the start of your shopping list! Find a garden center near you.


Royal Trumpet Vine

Got a wall (fence, arbor) that you need to cover fast, and also want it to be spectacular? This tall, clinging super-flowery vine shows color when other vines start to fade. Reaches up to 30 ft. tall; Zones: 10 – 11


Pink Flowering Maple

Abutilon is one of those plants that had its moment and is now back and more popular than ever. Why? Because when you want a shrub that flowers with a vengeance in shade, this is it. Also good in containers. Reaches up to 12 ft. tall; Zones: 9 – 11


Star Jasmine

This is “that” memorably-fragrant vine currently scenting summery gardens. Let it climb on posts, walls or trellises near a patio, terrace or entry. Alternatively, allow it to trail along as a groundcover. A superb summer container plant for colder regions. Reaches up to 20 ft. tall; Zones: 8 – 10


BrazelBerries® Raspberry Shortcake™ 

You haven't planted one of these dwarf, thornless, berry-bearing wonders in a pot on the patio? What are you waiting for? Get an abundant crop of large, sweet berries in mid-summer on a plant that require no staking. Reaches up to 3 ft. tall; Zones: 4 – 9


Flamingo Dappled Willow

Even the most carefully sequenced borders have lulls in flowering. That's when you're grateful for plants with colorful foliage that keep it interesting (oh, and shiny red stems in winter). Reaches up to 10 ft. tall; Zone : 4 – 10


Sweet Spot™ Peach Rose

Have a container that needs something pretty that you won’t have to fuss with from spring right into fall? This one’s from a new series of compact shrub roses with good disease resistance and drought tolerance. Reaches up to 20 in. tall; Zones: 5 – 10


Enterprise Hosta

Once those camellias and azaleas fade, you need something to light-up the shade garden. Few plants do that like variegated-leafed hostas. This one sends up delicate lavender flowers mid-summer. Reaches up to 3 ft. tall; Zones: 3 – 8


Baby Pete™ Lily Of The Nile

We love agapanthus because they have a shape (frothy ball on a tall stem). This makes them so useful in the garden. This one’s a compact cutie, perfect for pots or smaller gardens. Flower stalks reach up to 22 in. tall; Zones: 8 – 11


Bushy Blue Bell Clematis

Yes, it’s blue. That most elusive of garden hues. And, it’s different from other clematis as it has a bushy, non-climbing habit. Low growing but sprawls to 3 ft. wide; makes a very special, showy groundcover for all-summer bloom. Zones: 3 – 10


Austral Gem™ Bird’s Nest Fern

An “indoor” plant that’s also a perfect porch plant. Enjoy in a sunny window all winter and bring outdoors in the summer. Or, in warmer zones, plant in a shady spot for a volume of lovely foliage. Reaches up to 2 ft. tall; Zones: 9 – 11

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2016-06-14 01:46:00
Jonnie Alms
Beautiful...would love to own some of them!
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Stephen Stragnell
Glad to see Austral Gem Fern listed as perfect porch plant in any climate. Zone 10 for such a bullet proof plant make it a definit plant to join migratory plants spending summer on porch rest of the year indoors, not too picky where
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Elsie Barrientos
love your plants
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Beautiful page, very informative. Thank you!
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