5 Great Early Blooming Shrubs (Northwest)

5 Great Early Blooming Shrubs (Northwest)
Who doesn’t need a bit of cheer right about now? Take a look around the yard. You might see all sorts of shrubs dotted with fat buds about to burst into bloom.

Not seeing this?

Well, now is the time to plan out what to add to your garden. Then, next February, you're looking at color and interest.

We’ve got five shrubs (and a few more down below) that we promise will add welcome zip to the garden. Fragrance? Covered. Color. Done. Whimsy? You bet. And, when the flower show is over, all of these easy, fuss-free shrubs will become useful leafy green backdrops. Perfect for the flowers of spring and summer that are to come.

(For even more choices, check out other regions as zones can overlap: Northeast, Southeast, South, Midwest, Southwest)

Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick (Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ -Own Root)

Wow, this is thrilling specimen for winter landscapes. Especially with those gnarled and twisted branches dripping with a thick fringe of showy greenish yellow catkins. Pretty unforgettable garden moment when not much else is happening. Ideal for large containers. Full sun. Up to 15ft. tall and wide (smaller in containers). Zone: 3 – 9

Enchanted Forest® Impish Elf™Lily of the Valley Shrub (Pieris japonica ‘Shy’ PP #26,290)

Enchanted Forest® Impish Elf™Lily of the Valley Shrub (Pieris japonica ‘Shy’ PP #26,290)

Showy, cascading early spring flowers, colorful new foliage, and thrives in sunny or shady situations. And, not a fave of  of deer. Partial sun. Up to 5 ft. tall and wide. Zone: 6 – 8

Charity Mahonia (Mahonia x media ‘Charity’)

Charity Mahonia (Mahonia x media ‘Charity’)

Drama in shade? Frond-like leaves grow in whorls with sprays of soft-yellow flowers in winter. These will develop clusters of black berries late summer and fall. Full shade to partial sun. Up to 15 ft. tall (if left unpruned). Zone: 7 – 9

Purple Stem Sweet Box (Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna ‘Purple Stem’)

Purple Stem Sweet Box (Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna ‘Purple Stem’)

Need a groundcover for shade with a heady fragrance? Sweet box is for you. Pink-tinged blooms produce blue-black ornamental fruit later in the season. Full to partial shade. Up to 5 ft. tall and wide. Zone: 6 – 9

Eternal Fragrance Daphne (Daphne transatlantica ‘BLAFRA’ PP #18,361)

Eternal Fragrance Daphne (Daphne transatlantica ‘BLAFRA’ PP #18,361)

Blush-pink flowers adorns this compact form over many months for long-lasting beauty and fragrance in the garden. Partial to full sun. Up to 3 ft. tall and wide. Zone: 6 – 9

How about a few more?

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2018-02-01 01:10:00
Cathie quinn
would like ideas for very dry hot summers in South Carolina used knock out roses and daylilies for the front of my house they are doing great but want something different for huge back area with pool your plants are great look for them when purchasing plants
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Please include some for Zone 5 or colder. Though we have been re=designated as Zone 6 no one I know is planting permanent plantings for Zone 6 as we had one of the worst Winters in history in 2016/2017. It is too unpredictable here. Also our soil is mostly alkaline clay in this farming valley.
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5 Great Early Bloom Shrubs (Northeast) | Grow Beautifully
[…] (For even more choices, check out other regions as zones can overlap: Southeast, South, Midwest, Southwest, Northwest) […]
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5 Great Early Bloom Shrubs (Northeast) – Grow Beautifully
[…] (For even more choices, check out other regions as zones can overlap: Southeast, South, Midwest, Southwest, Northwest) […]
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Karen Cameron
Hi, Just wondering why the Harry Lauder Walking Stick cannot be purchased online and where we would be able to possibly purchase one. Thank you for replying.
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