Roses are a highlight of the summer garden. Roses that are easy-care, bloom like crazy, and don't require chemicals or pesticides to keep them gorgeous are a must-have. They're perfect for garden styles from contemporary to cottage.
Enter Flower Carpet® rose – often referred to as a groundcover rose. Apart from it's beauty and sheer flower-power it's an answer for all sorts of vexing landscaping issues. (Once established, each plant can provide up to 2,000 flowers, blooming from spring through late fall). Here are a few ways to use them.

If you have a swath of area around the driveway. Plus, the idea of keeping up with the edging, feeding, and other must-do's of lawn care is unappealing. Shrubs such as flowering roses are an easy solution (and also really lovely).
The spreading habit of Flower Carpet roses creates a soft, low hedge. This only needs mulch and a good pruning each spring to maintain. In many cases, they even stand up to snowplows.
No one wakes up on a weekend excited to maintain a slope! While you might not think of roses as a solution, Flower Carpet roses are built to thrive in challenging spots.
They have a two-tier root system, with some roots reaching far into the soil and others sitting closer to the surface. This makes them excellent for aiding in erosion control, and, once established, as a hedge against drought. And, no mowing!
Shown: Flower Carpet® Appleblossom Groundcover Rose; Flower Carpet® Pink Groundcover Rose


Another spot few of us want to devote precious gardening time to is the no-man's land. This falls between the street and the sidewalk. Tear up that thirsty turf and fill with Flower Carpet roses.
Not only do they withstand highly reflective pavement heat without complaint, they’re also extremely tolerant of the road salt used in colder climates. These roses do have some thorns; if this is an issue, plant back from the edge of pavement by a foot or so to allow for a snag-free journey.
Shown: Flower Carpet® Yellow Rose
It’s not called “hardscaping” for nothing. The solid, unyielding planes of concrete retaining walls, brick or block pathways. Even the romantic irregular surfaces of stone walls, these take on a relaxed look when lined with Flower Carpet roses.
They tolerate many different soil conditions. However, they'll be at their peak performance when planted in soil that's rich in organic matter such as compost. Prep well before planting for optimal results.


Messy plants and swimming pools are not a good mix. You want to relax and enjoy, not sweep up or constantly replant for a colorful display. Flower Carpet roses produce wave after wave of blooms for months.
As an extra bonus, they're also self-cleaning. As these shrubs send out new blooms, the spent blossoms drop neatly to the ground. That, plus their good manners and low-growing habit. This makes them just the ticket for a flowery, softly-scented, tidy hedge around a pool.