6 Shrubs That Look Great in January (Z: 3 - 7)

6 Shrubs That Look Great in January (Z: 3 - 7)

This winter looks like one for the record books. Although that doesn't mean you have to settle for a monochromatic vista of white.

Add a few shrubs that look good in January (make a list - spring planting will be here before you know it). In doing so, you can have color, interest, and excitement to keep your heart happy until spring arrives.

Here are six varieties that we think are pretty special.

Jelena Witch Hazel

What a way to weather winter! Rich coppery-orange flowers on this unusual shrub add blazing color to the landscape. Plant near entries and patios, where their sweet fragrance can be enjoyed. Full sun. Reaches up to 20 ft. tall and 15 ft. wide. Deciduous. Zone: 5 – 8

Winter Red Winterberry

Winter Red Winterberry

Vivid berries are the best reason to plant this fuss-free shrub. Needs a late blooming male variety planted nearby. Ideal natural hedge. Partial to full sun. Up to 10 ft. tall and wide. Deciduous. Zone: 4 – 8

Jazzy Jewelâ„¢ Andorra Juniper

Jazzy Jewelâ„¢ Andorra Juniper

In winter it’s zippy foliage morphs from green and gold to bronze and purple. Use as an accent or in the foreground of borders. Full sun. Reaches up to 2 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide. Evergreen. Zone: 3 – 9

Nest Spruce

Nest Spruce

If you live in a colder zone you like have some conifers which is great. However, you might different shapes to break up borders or lawn features. Carefree spreading conifer with bright color, this adds welcome contrast to darker shrubs. Many layered branches create nest-like compact form, requiring little maintenance. Excellent  for border or accent. Very hardy and wind resistant. Full sun. Slow up to 5 ft. tall and 6 ft wide. Evergreen. Zone: 2 – 8

Feelin’ Blue Deodar Cedar

Feelin’ Blue Deodar Cedar

A unique spreading evergreen with blue-green needles. The lowest of the dwarf cedars, use for a perfect groundcover or cascading off raised planter edges and retaining walls. Full sun. Reaches up to 4 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide. Evergreen.

Yukon Belle® Pyracantha

Yukon Belle® Pyracantha

Hardy evergreen to semi-evergreen prized for its bright orange berries that persist into winter. A favorite nesting spot for birds. Use as a barrier hedge or screen. Full sun. Reaches up to 10 ft. tall and 8 ft. wide. Zone: 5 – 8

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2018-01-08 09:50:00
Arlene Theis
I live in CO. (zone 5) and last year purchased Harry Lauder's Walking Stick (Corylus avellana "Contorta) knowing that it is know for multi-season interest. Right now my plant is only 3 ft. tall. I bought it in early fall and still in it's pot trying to find "a place" to plant it knowing it will get quite large. Any suggestions for planting and caring????? When I lived in MA I had one that was about 7ft. tall and made for an interesting specimen. Was surprised that it was not mentioned - could it be classified as a tree vs. a shrub????
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Anne Smokler
When you feature plants like "6 Shrubs That Look Great in the Winter" I would like to see an order form at the end of the article offering the plants for sale.
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Pamela Dale
Wonder if you would consider publishing the botanical name alongside the commercial one. it will keep alive this great nomenclature that enables one to identify one plane from another so precisely . Thank you Pamela Dale.
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Diane Townsend
feelin a little blue about no zone info on 'Feelin Blue'
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