Color Me Happy: SunBelievable® Paint-by-Number Project

Color Me Happy: SunBelievable® Paint-by-Number Project

We're so head-over-heels for the brilliant yellow and brown-eyed blooms of our new annual beauty. Therefore, we turned the SunBelievable™ Brown Eyed Girl Helianthus into an art project we think you'll have fun doing. (Fun for indoors or patio side!). This super easy DIY combines the magic of nature and fun of gardening. It also gives the mental vacation that comes from grabbing some colored pencils and coloring in a pretty picture.

Just download and print our SunBelievable® Paint-by-Number picture, and fill in using the color key as your guide. We used Prismacolor pencils (link here) but any brand will work.

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2019-03-26 12:36:00
Gwen Collins
I am glad that I found your website. I will be a faithful user.
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