DIY a Privacy Screen Using Hanging Plants

DIY a Privacy Screen Using Hanging Plants
As much as you might love the neighbors, no one really enjoys feeling exposed while relaxing on a porch, balcony, or patio. One easy solution is to create a living privacy screen using hanging baskets suspended at staggered levels. It creates the sense of separation without shouting “keep out.” This is a simple project that you can do in an hour or so using readily available, off-the-shelf materials found at Lowe’s or other garden centers, #ColorDoesIt. Just add a glass of something cold and chill out.

Ready? Here’s How!

For our 84" wide space, we used five hanging baskets. We planted them with a gleaming combination of white New Guinea impatiens and white caladiums. Both plants can tolerate morning sun or all-day light shade. (If you have more sun, try geraniums or verbena with sweet potato vine. More shade? Can’t beat coleus with lobelia or ivy.)

The trick here is to begin by hanging the first basket at eye level. Then, move to the outer edges and hang the next two baskets. Finally, fill in the gaps with the remaining two baskets. We spent a bit more for plant hooks that swivel. This makes it easy to turn plants regularly so each gets light on all sides.

Shopping List:

Here’s the shopping list for this project based on our 84″ wide space (with links where applicable). Adjust quantities as needed!


Once planted and hung, water regularly (might be daily in hottest weather). Also, shear spent flowers to encourage more blooms and feed once more after first big flush begins to fade. Come fall, toss the tired annuals and fill with ornamental cabbages and mums. In warmer zones, where you can garden in winter, this is a great way to display a combo. Try using pansies and cool season herbs such as cilantro or parsley.

Image: Roger Foley, Roger Foley Photography
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2017-05-18 01:12:00
Love that you included how to do it!
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