Fill a Shady Wall with Color Using these Plants

Fill a Shady Wall with Color Using these Plants

Does this sound familiar? A blank and boring wall, maybe on the garage, side of the house, or the shady part of a patio? Too narrow for much of anything or there’s no plantable ground beneath? This once useless space can be transformed into a vibrant little garden awash in brilliant color. This is done by using a wall-hung vertical planter stuffed to the max with a few shade-lovers. We used materials and plants found at Lowe’s including green, purple, red and lime hued ferns. Also, we used coleus, coral bells, and a pair of potted dazzling-red Japanese maples. (Want to up the magic? Twine a strand of battery-operated twinkle lights into the foliage and watch it glow.)

It’s an easy project using an ready-made planter we found at Lowe’s. This planter makes it even easier because there’s an irrigation system right in the unit. Just attach a hose and a timer, then set it and forget it. Our quick video shows step-by-step how to create this easy project. It takes about an hour from start to finish. Every inch of outdoor space is an opportunity to create something really beautiful and colorful. Give this one a try! (#ColorDoesIt)

Project Shopping List

While you might wish to make your own piece of plant art, here’s the recipe for ours. All materials and plants found at Lowe’s.

Image: Roger Foley, Roger Foley Photography

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2017-05-01 01:18:00
Joanne D'Amico-Ritter
Lovely inspiration to plant for pollinators, but we in Florida are in zones 9 - 11 .... sure would love some suggestions for my area! Thanks
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