(Please visit the companion post that covers zones 4 –7 as zones often overlap.)
Look at that foliage! Red stems and sweet white flowers, too. Wonderful low hedge. Partial to full sun. Zone: 6 – 9

Bird of Paradise
It tends to be a big, green strappy placeholder all year and then in fall, wow, those blooms! Unique, large, bird-like, orange, blue and white flower heads through winter. Wonderful in containers and around the pool. Architectural cut flower, too. Partial to full sun. Zone: 9 – 11

Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Colder zones wish they had a dramatic tree that drips with exotic-looking pink blossoms for five months during the winter. Well-sized for lawns but also does well in large containers. If you have the space…! Zone: 9 – 11

Magnificent Brunfelsia
If you don’t have this one, you’re missing a real treat. Very large, sweet-smelling,violet-purple blooms lasting four to five days appear nearly year-round, with a heavy flush in fall. Plant near home, deck or patio to enjoy the flowers and fragrance! Zone: 9 – 11

La Barbe Bleueâ„¢ Bluebeard
Fragrant and shiny yellow foliage glows throughout summer. However, the real thrill comes in fall when flower spikes come into bloom providing a rich contrast. Add snipped stems to vases of autumn leaves. Full sun. Zone: 5 – 9
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