5 Fresh and Exciting Fall Bloomers (Zone: 8 - 11)

5 Fresh and Exciting Fall Bloomers (Zone: 8 - 11)
True that warmer zones do not get the calendar-image, brilliant fall colors of chillier ones. What they do get is a full-on show of exotic, flowery, and altogether mesmerizing plants. Here are five that will light up your autumn garden.

(Please visit the companion post that covers zones 4 –7 as zones often overlap.)

Kaleidoscope Abelia

Look at that foliage! Red stems and sweet white flowers, too. Wonderful low hedge. Partial to full sun. Zone: 6 – 9

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

It tends to be a big, green strappy placeholder all year and then in fall, wow, those blooms! Unique, large, bird-like, orange, blue and white flower heads through winter. Wonderful in containers and around the pool. Architectural cut flower, too. Partial to full sun. Zone: 9 – 11

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Colder zones wish they had a dramatic tree that drips with exotic-looking pink blossoms for five months during the winter. Well-sized for lawns but also does well in large containers. If you have the space…! Zone: 9 – 11

Magnificent Brunfelsia

Magnificent Brunfelsia

If you don’t have this one, you’re missing a real treat. Very large, sweet-smelling,violet-purple blooms lasting four to five days appear nearly year-round, with a heavy flush in fall. Plant near home, deck or patio to enjoy the flowers and fragrance! Zone: 9 – 11

La Barbe Bleueâ„¢ Bluebeard

La Barbe Bleueâ„¢ Bluebeard

Fragrant and shiny yellow foliage glows throughout summer. However, the real thrill comes in fall when flower spikes come into bloom providing a rich contrast. Add snipped stems to vases of autumn leaves. Full sun. Zone: 5 – 9

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2018-09-06 11:19:00
Charla kay
Absolutely amazing
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Deltima Hernandez-Saldana
Where can we purchase these bloomers
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Sonia M. McCormick
I have birds of paradise for four year but no flowers. What can I do to give me flowers? I bought another one few days hoping it bloom this year or next year.
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Jill Keating
Could you please, please include the scientific name of plants mentioned. It is too disappointing to get the wrong plant, just because it is known by another name locally, or no one at the nursery knows what you mean!
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Blanche Stevens
Under What to plant under a Mature Tree, all the low growing plants need a moist soil. Are there any that do well in dry shade?
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Zarine Batliwalla
Will Hong Kong Orchid tree grow in the Bay Area? Specifically on the Peninsula? Where can i get one? We live in San Mateo County in Hillsborough.
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Rhett Draluck
We appreciate your high quality plants & the unique varieties you have!!
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Anna Merritt
Will you ever be selling mothers fern again?
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Carol Young
I am interested in the Bonsai Blue Jacaranda. Is it available in larger containers , either 5 or 15 gallon and are they multi-truck or single?
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Judy Chapman
Hello! I am interested in the Abelia Kaleidoscope......the only place I have for it is in the shade garden. Wondering what to expect......no flowers? Less variegation? Thank You!
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