Is there anything more prized in the South than ample summertime shade (apart from college football teams, of course)? Hot and dry, hot and humid, cold and wet–you’ve got it all depending on where you live. You need plants that’ll perform well, give you little grief, and add color, texture, and form to shady spaces. Here are 7 shrubs for part shade. (By which we mean they get sun for half the day and shade the other half.)
Not sure what kind of shade? Here’s a handy post that spells out the various shade light conditions.
If you have questions or need a recommendation for a specific spot, do leave a comment below!
Henry’s Garnet Sweetspire
Brilliant red-purple fall foliage color lasts into winter to make this a standout in the landscape. Slender clusters of fragrant white flowers add to the multi-seasonal show from this award winning plant. Carefree native, perfect in woodland and wildlife friendly gardens. Partial shade to full sun. Reaches 5 to 6 ft. tall and wide. Deciduous. Zone: 5 – 9

Kramer’s Supreme Camellia
Zone: 8 – 10
Mid-season bloomer with deep red buds that open to magnificent peony-like, rosy-red flowers with a delightful fragrance. Full shade to filtered sun. Reaches 6 to 8 ft. tall and wide. Evergreen

Camouflageâ„¢ Variegated Japanese Aralia
Zone: 7 – 10
Prized for its unique foliage, often blooms fall to winter, producing showy white flower clusters. Full shade to partial sun. Reaches 5 to 8 ft. tall and wide. Evergreen.

Southern Moon® Yedda Hawthorn
Zone: 7 – 10
Improved compact selection with proven strong disease resistance combined with a dense, mounding habit. And those flowers! Partial to full sun. Reaches 5 to 6 ft. tall, 6 to 8 ft. wide. Evergreen

Cream De Mintâ„¢ Dwarf Mock Orange
Zone: 8 – 11
Gardens need awesome foliage for when nothing’s in bloom. Fuss-free, low-growing hedge or fill-in plant. Partial to full sun. Reaches 2 ft. tall. Evergreen.

Enchanted Forest® Impish Elf™Lily of the Valley Shrub
Zone: 6 – 8
Buds provide winter color, then burst into spring bloom. Compact, for foundations and mass planting. Partial sun. Reaches 3 to 5 ft. tall and wide. Evergreen

Sienna Sunrise® Heavenly Bamboo
Zone: 6 – 11
Intensely red new foliage and fiery red highlights in fall and winter. Mass or use for high profile accents or nooks in architecture. Partial to full sun. Reaches 4 ft. tall, 2 ft. wide. Evergreen
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