Summer Container Garden Challenge: 10 Styles for Long, Hot Summers

Summer Container Garden Challenge: 10 Styles for Long, Hot Summers

The Monrovia teamed up with several talented Digging In container designers this summer to see what they could dream up with two Sunvilla™ Mandevillas. The Sunvilla™ Mandevilla collection is perfect for summer containers, with free-flowing, tropical color, and a well-behaved and lush mounding habit. 

Our Monrovia plant hunter team chose these bold climbers because their blooms are slower to fade, adding long-lasting enjoyment and interest to an arbor, trellis, or hanging basket. Clear, bright colors with yellow throats are backed by glossy green foliage. Sunvilla™ are available in Red, White, Pink, and Giant Red, with extra-large blooms. Sunvilla™ are considered perennials in Zones 9-11 and annual in every other area of the country. Their twining stems can reach 15 to 20'. More information on the Sunvilla™ collection can be found here.  

The Digging In designers did an amazing job with this challenge, combining the Mandevillas with a variety of annuals and perennials to achieve colorful, lasting, and even patriotic styles. Find 10 of the best container designs below to inspire your own summer containers.

First Place (Tie) Prosper Garden Design and Fresh Look Design

yellow and green summer container planting

Design by: Alison Jaeger, Fresh Look Design 

Plants used: Sunvilla™ White Mandevilla, Landmark Lantana White, Sanvitalia  procumbens ‘Sunny Super Gold, Anagizanthos ‘Joe Joe Yellow’, Helichrysum White Licorice, Euphorbia hybrid

Second Place: Second Nature Designs

red mandevilla flowers in urn container

Design by: Renee Clermont, Second Nature Designs 

Plants: Sunvillaâ„¢ Red Mandevilla, blue Lobelia, red phlox, White Nancy Lamium, senecio cineraria "cirrus' dusty miller

succulents and white mandevilla

Design by: Renee Clermont, Second Nature Designs 

Plants: Sunvilla™ White Mandevilla with Callisia repens turtle vine and Echeveria 

More Summer Container Ideas from Digging-In Designers

annuals and mandevilla in container

Design by Julie Friedman of Exteriors Outdoor Styling

Plants: Sunvilla™ White Mandevilla, Calibrachoa Pink Star, Hedera helix Duckfoot, Gomphrena Piñata, Zinnia Profusion Cherry Bi-Color, Iresine Blazin' Rose, Lantana Lucky Sunrise Rose, Dahlietta Coby Dahlia

white mandevilla and annuals in white container

Design by Bridget Schroeder, The Contained Garden

Plants: Sunvillaâ„¢ White Mandevilla, Euphorbia white, Coleus lime, Sunpatiens rose, Helichrysum lime green, Calibrachoa rose

red mandevilla and annuals in white summer container

Design by: Dana Zitka, Homegrown Container Co

Plants: Sunvillaâ„¢ Red Mandevilla, Heliotrope, White Pentas and Euphoria Glitz, Trailing features of Hens and Chicks, Beach Bum Blue Evolvus and Black Sweet Potato Vine

summer container in black pot with red mandevilla and red, white and blue annuals

Design by Laurel Nagle, Every Bloomin' Thing

Plants:  Sunvilla™ Mandevilla Red, VIBE® Ignition White Salvia, Sallyfun™ Deep Ocean Salvia, Calibrachoa Minifamous™ Uno Double White, Red Sunpatiens, Petunia Easy Wave Red Velour, Lobelia erinus Crystal Palace, Vinca rosea (now called Catharanthus roseus) 3 colors, Titan Red; Cora White;  Alyssum White, Nicotiana alata Red, Wax begonia

red mandevilla with alocasia and celosia in summer container

Design by: Mary Starnes,  The Windowbox Gardener and Porch Pots Direct

Plants: Sunvilla™ Red Mandevilla, Hilo Beauty Alocasia, Red Penta,  Bandana® Lantana, Burgundy Calibrachoa, Mezzo Purple Angelonia, Sidekick™ Black Sweet potato vine, Burgundy Celosia


Design by: Julie Cruz, Adorn Planters, KC

Plants: Sunvillaâ„¢ White Mandevilla, Yellow Purslane, and Aloha Kona White Calibrachoa

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2023-07-24 22:52:00