Top Conifers for Year Round Beauty (Zone: 7 - 10)

Top Conifers for Year Round Beauty (Zone: 7 - 10)
Variety of different conifers such as pine and cedar make up this green backyard landscape.
When all the thrilling flowers, fruits, berries, foliage have faded, suddenly you notice the conifers that are all around you. Those evergreen backbones that others thought about ahead, and planted.

Conifers are so valuable in the landscape, even in warmer areas that stay relatively evergreen. This is because they provide structure and interest. And, not just for you. Coniferous trees provide winter shelter for birds, and seeds upon which both mammals and birds depend. They’re also a preferred nesting spot. Beauty, utility, and a friend to wildlife. That’s a pretty impressive list!

While the classics like blue spruce or white pine will always deserve a place. The world of conifers is vast with lots of choices. Why not go for one with something extra like eye-catching color or a diversity of textures!

Here are nine really interesting ones that thrive in warmer zones.

Black Dragon Japanese Cedar

Black Dragon Japanese Cedar
Zone: 5 – 9

Rigid foliage matures to deep black-green. Dense, irregular pyramid shape is useful as a specimen and in containers. Slow up to 7 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. Partial to full sun.

Pringles Dwarf Podocarpus

Pringles Dwarf Podocarpus
Zone: 8 – 11

Low maintenance, resistance to pests and disease, waterwise once established–in a compact version. Up to 5 ft. tall and wide. Partial shade to full sun.

Blue Atlas Cedar

Blue Atlas Cedar
Zone: 6 – 9

If you have the room! Develops an attractive, rugged form when given space to grow freely. A remarkable lawn tree. Slow to 50 ft. tall and 25 ft. wide. Full sun.

Sea Of Gold® Juniper

Sea Of Gold® Juniper

Junipers are such durable and useful plants. We often forgot just how elegant they are in an understated sort of way. Case in point is this one with its lacy, golden yellow foliage that stays true year round. How to use? In front of taller foundations plants or along a stone wall or medium-tall fence. Additionally, just to add zest to shrub beds and mixed island plantings in lawns. Excellent for informal hedges at challenging locations such as driveways, sidewalks, curbs and parkways. Up to 3 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. Full sun. Zone: 3 – 9

Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine

Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine
Zone: 5 – 10

Irregular growth habit and rich, dark green adds year round beauty to the landscape. Silvery white candles in spring. Up to 10 ft. tall, 15 ft. wide. Partial to full sun.

Karl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar

Karl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar
Zone: 6 – 11

Bright-blue spring growth matures to green for a unique shimmering effect. Use with shade lovers such as Japanese maple. Slow to 15 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide. Partial to full sun.

Swane’s Golden Italian Cypress

Swane’s Golden Italian Cypress
Zone: 7 – 9

Very narrow, columnar form and bright, golden yellow new growth that retains good color throughout the season. Containers, entries, topiary! Up to 20 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide. Full sun.

Hollywood Juniper

Twisty and  Hollywood Juniper

Twisty and upright, this one's unique form and deep green color is striking at entries. It can also be used to mark gateways or on the corners of a house. Plant just one as a specimen or line up as a loose, informal privacy hedge. (Do not shear as you will ruin the effect!). Up to 15 ft. tall and 10 ft. wide. Full sun. Zone: 5 – 9.

Tiny Tower® Arborvitae

Tiny Tower® Arborvitae

Foliage is fine to the touch and maintains an upright, compact, tight shape. Use as an evergreen screen, at back of a border, or accent specimen in landscape or container. In colder zones, foliage turns a warm brown, returning green in spring. Slowly reaches 5 ft. wide in ten years, taller with age. Full sun. Zone: 5 – 9

Lead Image: Le jardinet

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2017-10-31 01:24:00

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