Our Favorite Ferns to Grow Indoors Plus Tips for Growing Them

Our Favorite Ferns to Grow Indoors Plus Tips for Growing Them

Photos by Doreen Wynja

Wondering if you can grow your favorite ferns indoors? In most cases, the answer is yes! Add a green feeling of abundance to your interior spaces with a few lush, green plants like ferns. Many ferns make wonderful, low-maintenance houseplants, as long as you provide the right amounts of light and moisture. Here are eight favorites to get you started. Plus, we've added tips for growing ferns indoors at the bottom to make sure you're growing confidently.

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8 Favorite Ferns to Grow Indoors


Compact Sprenger Asparagus Fern

Also pictured above in an outdoor container, Sprenger Asparagus Fern is a great starter fern. Provide humidity by placing it on a store-bought or homemade pebble tray. Make your own pebble tray by filling a bowl or tray with pebbles or small rocks. Then filling it with water, then place your plant on top. Mist this fern a few times a week for added moisture. Compact, it forms a nice, tidy shape that looks great planted in a basket. Then hung in a sunny, but not hot, window. Zones 9-11.


Austral Gem Bird’s Nest Fern

A newer, improved variety. Stately and handsome, this sterile variety does not develop messy spores making an ideal houseplant. Unlike some ferns, Austral Gem is highly adaptable to low humidity. Zones 9–11.


American Maidenhair Fern

A cold-hardy fern known for its outdoor appeal, the American Maidenhair fern is also a rewarding fern to grow indoors. It can be a bit of a diva if not kept constantly moist, but not soggy. Mist often and mulch to help the soil retain moisture. Set a few feet from a southern or eastern-facing window; turn weekly to ensure even light. Yes, it’s worth it. Zones 3–8.


Japanese Painted Fern

Short, spreading habit looks great planted in a low trough set in a bright, but not hot, and sunny window. Silvery-blue fronds add a bit of light to indoor plantings. Like it’s red-hued cousin, a bit of a challenge, but offers a big wow, too. Keep soil evenly moist. Zones 5–8.


Regal Red Japanese Painted Fern

Woodland ferns can be a bit more of a challenge indoors. However their striking colors make them worthy of the work. Provide ample humidity, keep soil evenly moist, and place in a bright but not hot, sunny window. Zones 4–9.


Jurassic™ Velociraptor Ribbon Fern

A lush fern that will fill a container with finely textured foliage. Velociraptor is perfect for containers and thrives in a bright window out of direct sunlight. Keep the soil evenly moist and do not allow it to dry out.  Zones 7-9.


Australian Tree Fern

Finely cut, broad, and bright-green fronds form a graceful canopy atop a slender trunk. Giving the Australian Tree Fern an exotic look reminiscent of tropical climes. The perfect indoor specimen plant, it can grow quite tall in a large container. Grow in bright, indirect light and keep the soil evenly moist. Zones 10-11.


Jurassic™ Stegosaurus Holly Fern

Looking for a rare indoor plant from a far-away place? You've found it! Stegosaurus is grown from spore that plantsman Dan Hinkley collected in the Hubei Provence of China at 6,000 feet. Stiff, dark-green, shiny holly-like fronds of large leaflets provide height to indoor plant groupings. It likes bright, indirect light and can handle colder, drier air than most ferns. Grow in well-draining, lightweight potting soil. Zones 6-9.

How to Grow Ferns Indoors

Most ferns require high levels of humidity to grow green and lush indoors. This can be a challenge. Especially in areas where heat is provided by a furnace, which can dry out the indoor air. Keep ferns away from radiators, bright, hot, sunny windows, and use a pebble tray (right) to add moisture. Even after all of that, your ferns still might look unhappy. If so, consider moving them to a regularly-used bathroom with a shower or into a terrarium or Wardian case. Moved potted plants outside as soon as weather permits.

Other essentials:

Light:  Indirect is best such as that provided by a south or east-facing window.

Water: Wait until the potting mix just starts to dry out. Then water deeply and thoroughly, making sure water drains well.

Temperature:  On the cool side (about 70 degrees) and away from drafts.

Food:  Generally, feed weekly with a liquid fertilizer that’s diluted to one-half strength (known as “feeding weekly, weakly”).

T.L.C:   Occasionally misting the plant or taking it into a warm shower will help keep it clean.

Fascinated by ferns? Here are 5 easy ways to use them. String garden, anyone?

Ferns on top of pebbles

Placing potted ferns on top of pebbles in a tray filled with a few inches of water. This helps to create the humidity to thrive indoors.

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2021-09-28 20:07:00
You have a couple mis-labeled
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Missy Helms
Would you please tell me the name of the fern in the top most picture? The one in the terra cotta pot sitting on a table I believe. It's driving me nut! Lol I saw it on a hike recently and my curiosity got the better of me. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
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Tips for Bringing Ferns Indoors for Winter | Grow Beautifully
[…] Here’s what you need to know about how to keep them thriving indoors. […]
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Anna Leigh Phillips
What is the fern in the photo at the very top of this page? It's the one I'd like to grow indoors, but doesn't seem to be one of your eight... Thanks for any information.
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Wendy Demolder
hello I saw a fern yesterday that looks like an octopus the stems are soft and full and look like fingers are not flat like a boston fern Do you know what it is?
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5 Indoor Plants For Winter Gardening | BestLifeHere.com
[…] Not only are ferns easy to grow in the winter, but theyadd a nice decorative touch to your home. Here is a selection of fern plants recommended for growing […]
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5 Super-Easy Plants For Winter Gardening | Colorado Home and Garden
[…] Not only are ferns easy to grow in the winter, but theyadd a nice decorative touch to your home. Here is a selection of fern plants recommended for growing […]
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Pat Smith
I live in Reno, NV, and am in need of a Bear Paw fern to replace one that we have had to trash. We had it for 20 years in the same pot. Its fronds were 3 feet long. We left it too long, it was terribly root bound, and its fronds tore off as we tried to pry it out of its pot. I would like to replace it. I am familiar with the Monrovia plants, have even bought some at local nurseries, and I am hopeful that you can direct me to where I can get a fairly mature Bear Paw fern. I don't want a messy one like Boston, and I'd like to replace the old one, that did so well in that spot under a skylight by the steamy shower in our bathroom, with the same variety. Thank you.
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What kind of fern is the one in your header picture??? Every other one has a name, but this one does not! Many thanks! J
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The Best Low Light, No Fuss Houseplants
[…] Most ferns require high levels of humidity to grow green and lush indoors. This can be a challenge, especially in areas where heat is provided by a furnace, which can dry out indoor air. Keep ferns away from radiators, bright, hot, sunny windows, and use a pebble tray (right) to add moisture. Learn More […]
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Have you heard of an Australian Sword Fern? I bought one from Walmart and the label said for indoors but I kept it outside this summer and they look beautiful, but have brought them inside for winter. Says to keep in a sunny room temp 55-90 degrees.
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Would you tell me what the fern that is before the list of eight and how you care for that one
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Gillian McTavish
I have a fermosa fern. I'm not sure how to spell the type. I'd like information on how to repot it and keep it healthy
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Ferns are beautiful and shade-loving plants! I take root very well under fruit trees.
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Hello, Love all these ferns but please, Asparagus fern is Asparagus, it is not a fern. It is a flowering plant not a spore producing plant.
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Pamela Massmann
Please advise purchasing options for the Lemon Button Fern, Japanese Painted Fern and the Holly Fern. Thank you!
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